Roof leaks, balconys, showers, window and wall leaks

Investigation and treatment of leaks

Repairs from water damage - often plasterboard, rotten timber, mould and staining

a round skylight on a dirty metal roof


The skylight was leaking and had damaged the ceiling below. This was not the first time. Silicone had been applied a few years earlier but it had failed again and was pulling off.

a round skylight on a metal roof with waterproofing tape around the join an grey waterproofing on top


The area was thoroughly cleaned, waterproofing tape was applied to the skylight and a liquid membrane applied over that. The vent pipe next to it was done also for good measure.

a round skylight on  a metal roof with waterproof membrane neatly painted on


Leak was fixed, tested and the ceiling below was repaired and painted.


The eaves lining boards and exposed rafter tail had rotted out.


The boards were replaced and a new rafter tail spliced in ready for painting

a tiled balcony with pooling water the steel frame is very rusty


This balcony was holding water and leaking, damaging the ceiling below.

a carport ceiling with a car parked and a hole in the ceiling above


Ceiling below damaged from the leaking

a carport with no car new plasterboard ceiling and bright yellow paint on the steel beam around it


The plaster ceiling was removed. The cause of the leaks investigated and repaired. The repairs work was tested by water blasting and once confident the leaks were fixed, the ceiling replace.

a hand holding a moisture meter taking a reading in a plasterboard wall

Leak detection

You can’t always see what’s happening below the surface. I have moisture meters and a thermal cameras to help identify problems and diagnose the causes.


Pinless moisture meter to detect moisture without damaging the wall

The blue (cold spot) in the corner is moisture caused by a cracked roof tile